Friday, August 19, 2011

Merchant of Venice- Character(Bassanio)

Bassanio is a character who is a spendthrift and also cares a lot about worth. He married Portia partly out of her wealth, but at the same time, we must admit he does have feelings for her. He saw Portia as a prize, a magnificent prize he wanted to win. He also has a very strong friendship with Antonio, and knows to repay him due to Antonio's kindness towards him. He defends Antonio dearly when Shylock wants to kill Antonio, claiming he was more important than Portia.

But he is also seen as a brave and handsome person, somewhat the hero of the story, and is also seen very romantic as he tries to court Portia. He is also someone humble, modest and respectful. We see this in the casket scene, where he used his intelligence to pick the right casket. Instead of showing arrogance of winning Portia, he instead shows modesty.

Overall, he is someone that i enjoyed in the book. Although he does not have very good traits, he is someone who is very active and carefree, as opposed to Antonio. He is a risk taker, as he would with Antonio's money, which shows his adventurous attitude. He also cares too much about worth and wealth, thinking that he would only be good if he had wealth. He cares too much about worth and too little on what lies under. He feels that without money, he would not be important, thus he spends money so extravagantly. His bright attitude towards everything is very appealing to the viewer, and since MOV is a comedy, fits it very well.

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