Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Empathize with characters in courtroom (to kill a mockingbird)

I empathized with Mayella Ewell the most during the action of the courtroom. I empathize with her most as she is told very detailedly. Also, her story is very sad as you can see how sad she is, due to her lonliness. I feel sympathy towards her so i can feel sad and thus this makes me feel close to her and empathize with her more.

I empathize least with Mr Ewell. The story obviously shows that Mr Ewell is the one that beat Mayella. Thus you would feel a slight hatred to him. He is also very rude and accussed a innocent man of a crime he commited so that he could escape the punishments. Therefore i empathize least with Mr Ewell.

1. Some folks from the city come and want to hurt Atticus for wanting to protect Tom Robinson. They also want to hurt Tom Robinson at the jail. Scout tells the men about how entailment is bad and how it hurt people. This led to the men realizing their mistake, especially being told by a small girl. They feel guilty and decide to leave in the end.

2. Atticus shows it by tricking the Ewells to tell them that it was Mayella right eye that was hit. Only a left-handed person could punch someone like that and Tom Robinson had a limp left hand and could only use his right. This shows that he was not the one to attack Mayella, showing his innocence

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