Sunday, February 27, 2011

first and third person narrative

First-person and third-person are the most used narrative viewpoints. These narrative viewpoints help the writer describe characters more detailed. It also can help show thoughts of certain characters in a story while hiding the thoughts of others.

I would use a first person narrative in the case where I want the reader to look through the eyes of this single character. I would also use it when I want to describe only one character. The world is seen through his eyes and the thoughts would be of his own. Therefore, there might be some biasness in the thoughts when using first person narratives. You can also directly feel the feelings of the single character, which allows you to feel everything it feels, the pain, happiness, etc. This way, the reader will feel closer with the character and thus feel closer to the story itself. However, the story plot will be confined as the situation can only be seen from one person. Also, some expressions would turn out weird as the narrator cannot see and feel everything.

In a third person narrative, the reader is like god, seeing everything, every detail, every thought and hearing all the dialogue. This allows the reader to understand the situation from multiple perspectives thus creating a non-bias situation. Using third person narrative will remove some limitations such as description of the setting, characters’ looks and expressions. Also, using third person will allow the reader to be able to have more feelings to each character, knowing which the good is and bad, which should triumph over which, which makes it more dramatic. This perspective helps to develop the essay more than first person so it is more helpful in a descriptive essay.

Found Poetry(Jem Finch)

Found poetry
Jem Finch
Nearly thirteen, Jem broke his
Elbow, being able to play foot ball, he
Was seldom self-conscious about it,
Left arm shorter than right,
Thumb parallel to his high, he
Did not care as long as he could pass and punt.

“Mad dog’s coming!”
Jem stayed in the house, watching
Through the windows.
Tim Johnson arrived at snail’s pace.
Atticus’s hand yanked and the rifle cracked,
Tim Johnson leaped, flopped on the sidewalk,
“I wanna be like Atticus, a gentleman!”

Jem was scarlet, he
Broke the bonds of “a gentleman”
He snatched the baton and
Ran flailing wildly up the steps, not
Calming down after he cut every single,
Camellia bush, and afterwards, bent my baton and broke it in two.

“He’s got a bump on his head, and
A broken arm, like somebody tried to
Wring his elbow.
He’ll be as good as new, boys
Always bounce at his age”
Jem was not dead.

Friday, February 25, 2011


A compromise is a agreement reached by mutual concessions. It requires one to bend the law to make both parties happy. A compromise is reached when two people have different opinions on one matter and they have to make adjustments to make both parties happy. In the compromise, both parties will have to sacrifice a little bit of what they want, but still enough for them to be happy with the agreement. But compromises will not always be able to be reached. Sometimes, one of the two parties might be unhappy with whatever proposal the other has to give. In these kinds of situation, there is the option to either have no choice but to go with the opposite parties wishes, or to drop the idea of the compromise completely. I feel that compromises are better and more helpful to the people. Without compromise, no one will be really happy with anything they have. These compromises can prevent clashes and riots from happening between the two parties. For example, there was an issue about using the word 'Allah" by non-Muslims. Allah actually refers to all the gods and therefore can be used by anyone. But the high-court judge, decided to not let non-Muslims use the word 'Allah' to prevent any religious riots from occurring. This way, the judge is actually not following rules but for the sake of not having riots, decided to come to a compromise that made the parties happy. Therefore i feel compromise is essential to prevent too many fights, and it is the right thing to do, even if breaking rules is involved.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

To kill a mocking bird, Reflection

I was surprised by the fact that Mr Ewell would attack the children of the Finch family. I was also surprised by the fact that Boo Radley was the one the killed him. If i was the writer i would also put Boo Radley in the end, and make Mr Ewell do something bad. But i was pleasantly surprised by the way it happened and the fact that it linked together well. If i was the writer, i might have ended with Boo Radley coming out because Dill and Scout caused some kind of trouble and Boo Radley comes and solves the problem or help them.

Empathize with characters in courtroom (to kill a mockingbird)

I empathized with Mayella Ewell the most during the action of the courtroom. I empathize with her most as she is told very detailedly. Also, her story is very sad as you can see how sad she is, due to her lonliness. I feel sympathy towards her so i can feel sad and thus this makes me feel close to her and empathize with her more.

I empathize least with Mr Ewell. The story obviously shows that Mr Ewell is the one that beat Mayella. Thus you would feel a slight hatred to him. He is also very rude and accussed a innocent man of a crime he commited so that he could escape the punishments. Therefore i empathize least with Mr Ewell.

1. Some folks from the city come and want to hurt Atticus for wanting to protect Tom Robinson. They also want to hurt Tom Robinson at the jail. Scout tells the men about how entailment is bad and how it hurt people. This led to the men realizing their mistake, especially being told by a small girl. They feel guilty and decide to leave in the end.

2. Atticus shows it by tricking the Ewells to tell them that it was Mayella right eye that was hit. Only a left-handed person could punch someone like that and Tom Robinson had a limp left hand and could only use his right. This shows that he was not the one to attack Mayella, showing his innocence

Memories of childhood

When i was a young boy, 5 and 6 years old, i was in love with a girl. At kindergarten, we would be going around holding hands, and i told her i would marry her. But when we were 5, she had a sister that was 6, and always told on us. Therefore i did not like the sister. Whenever the sister was not around i would sneak and give the girl a kiss. The girl and i would always try methods to get back on the sister if she told on us. It was very interesting and fun but i dont keep in touch with the girl anymore. I feel that i was very young and naive to think i could be with her forever. This is similar to Dill and Scout's experience where Scout and Dill like each other and sneak around when Jem is not around.

1. In relation to Boo Radley and his house, how to Scout, Jew and Dill try to test their courage? What feelings do they have about Boo?

They dared Jem to touch the Radley house and followed him. They were scared of him, thinking he was a kind of monster, but at the same time curious about him. They think that he was very scary and would kill them if they bothered him.

2. What do Scout and Jem find in the knothole of the Radley tree? What other signs suggest that Boo may not be the monster the children imagine him to be?

Chewing gum. Indian head coins from the 1900s. A ball of grey twine. Two images carved in soap, a boy and a girl in a dress, that was Scout and Jem. A spelling medal. A pocketwatch that would not run, on a chain with an aluminium knife.
When the trio of Scout, Jew and Dill decided to enter the Radley place, they were nearly caught but managed to escape. But Jem ripped his pants and they were left in the Radley place. Afterwards when he went to get them, they had been sewn together and hung neatly on the fence, awaiting Jem to retrieve them. It had been Boo who had sewn them and left them there.